Welcome to Adult Ministries
While we seek to provide a loving, multi-generational atmosphere in many aspects of our church life we recognize the need for individualized, age-graded programs as well to provide meaningful ministry and service opportunities for everyone. Below you will find our Adult ministry programs and schedules as well as those for Senior Adults.
Adult Ministry Programs
Sunday School
Gospel Project, age-graded
Sundays 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Fellowship Hall
Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Women’s Ministry
Meet every other month to plan and implement ministry opportunitiesfor women of our church and our community.
Contact church office for event & meeting schedule
Homebound Ministry
Small groups go to visit with and minister to our homebound members.
Meet in the church foyer at 9:15 AM.
Second Wednesday of the Month
Senior Adult Ministries - Senior Connect
Enjoy potluck lunch and game time.
First Tuesday of the Month 10:00 AMand Third Tuesday at 6:00 PM